Interest Rates Effective From Chaitra 1, 2078 (15 Mar 2022)

Interest Rate for Deposits

S.N. Deposit Types Rates (%) Per  Annum
1 Saving Deposit :
General Savings 6.03
Chetanshil Nari Bachat 6.90
Kirshak Bachat 6.10
Shareholder Bachat 6.10
Sambriddhi Bachat 7.00
Ba Ama Bachat 7.10
Karmachari Nibritibharan Bachat 6.05
Social Security Special Saving 6.05
Sabai Nepali Ko Bachat 6.05
ADBL Salary/Payroll Bachat 7.10
Remittance Bachat 8.10
USD 2.00
EURO 0.60
2 Fixed Deposit :-
2.1 Institutional :
3 Months and above 10.03
3 Months and above  (renewal) 10.13
2.2 Individual :
General FD
3 Months and above 11.03
ADBL Remittance FD 12.03
ADBL Special FD 11.03
Mero Khusi Mero Bhawisya FD 11.03
Sewa Nibirta Karmachari FD 11.03
2.3 Fixed Deposit USD
3 Months 2.00
6 Months 2.00
1 Year 2.00
3.0 Call Deposits
3.1 Call Deposit LCY 3.015
3.2 Co-operative Call Deposit LCY 3.015
3.3 Call Deposit USD 1.00
3.4 Call Deposit EURO (EUR) 0.30
3.5 Call Deposit POUND STERLING (GBP) 0.30
4.0 NRN Deposit Accounts
4.1 NRN Savings Accounts
4.1.1 USD 4.75
4.1.2 Japanese Yen 4.50
4.2 NRN Fixed Deposit Accounts
4.2.1 USD 5.50
4.2.2 Japanese Yen 5.00

Interest Rate for Loan Products

S.N. Loan Types Premium on Base Rate (%)
1 Agro-Production Loan upto 2
2 Livestock Loan upto  2
3 Fish Farming upto  2
4 Sauliyatpurna Karja (ब्याज अनुदानसंग सम्बन्धित) upto  2
5 Yuba SwarojgarKarja upto  2
6 ColdStorage Loan upto2
7 Agro- Tools Purchase Loan upto 3
8 SaralKrishiKarja (अनुदान बाहेक) upto 5
9 Wholesale Lending upto 2
10 Industry, Processing & Mines Loan upto 3
11 Hydropower and other Alternative Energy Loan upto 3
12 Service Loan upto 3
13 Home Stay Service Loan upto 3
14 Tourism Service Loan upto 2
15 Business Loan upto 3
16 Household Loan upto 5
17 Employee Service Loan upto 2
18 Overdraft Loan
18.1 Individual upto 5
18.2 Institutional upto 5
19 Saral Thekka patta Karja/Demand/ Contract Loan upto 3
20 Hypothecation Loan upto 2
21 Home Loan
21.1 5 Years upto 2
21.2 10 Years upto 2
21.3 15 Years and Above upto 3
22 House Purchase Loan
22.1 5 Years upto 2
22.2 10 Years upto 2
22.3 15 Years and Above upto 5
23 Land  Purchase Loan upto 3
24 Business Complex and Housing Loan upto 3
25 Education  Loan upto 2
26 Hire Purchase Loan upto 2
27 Auto Loan upto 2
28 Loan Against Gold and Silver upto 4
29 Loan Against Fixed Deposit  Receipt Coupon Rate or Base Rate whichever is higher Plus  2 %
30 Loan Against Government and Other Securities Coupon Rate or Base Rate whichever is higher Plus  2 %
31 Margin Lending Loan upto 2
32 Consortium Financing As per agreement
33 Bridge Gap Loan As per agreement
34 TR Loan NPR upto 1
35 TR Loan USD LIBOR Rate Plus Premium
36 Pre-shipment Loan upto 1
37 Post shipment Loan upto 1
38 Reconstruction Loan नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकको ब्यबस्था अनुसार ब्याज लाग्ने
39 Advance on Credit upto 3
40 Salary Account Loan/Professional Loan upto 2
41 Mortgage Loan upto 3
42 Foreign Employment Loan upto 3
43 Subsidised Bagmati Province Loan प्रदेश सरकारको ब्यबस्था अनुसार ब्याज लाग्ने
44 Subsidised Lumbini Province Loan upto  2
45 Subsidised Karnali Province Loan upto  2
46 Subsidised Sudur Paschim Province Loan upto  2
47 Bayabsay Jiban RakshyaKarja (Gandaki Province ) upto 3
48 Short Term Loan upto  2

Interest Rate for EMI Products

S.N. EMI Product Fixed Interest Rate(%) Per Annum Floating Rate Premium on Base Rate (%)
1 Agro tools 8.95 upto 2
2 Overdraft 11.95 upto 5
3 Home Loan
3.1 5 years 8.95 upto 2
3.2 10 years 9.45 upto 2.5
3.3 Above 10 years 9.95 upto 3
4 House Purchase Loan
4.1 5 years 8.95 upto 2
4.2 10 years 9.45 upto 2.5
4.3 Above 10 years 9.95 upto 3
5 Land Purchase 9.45 upto 3
6 Education Loan 9.45 upto 3
7 Hire Purchase 9.45 upto 2.5
8 Auto Loan 9.45 upto 2.5
9 Salary Account Loan 9.00 upto 2.5
10 Home Stay Service Loan 9.45 upto 2.5


  • Base Interest Rate is 7.53% as at end of Poush, 2078.
  • The Interest Rate for Endowment Fund (Akchya Kosh) would be determined based on mutual agreement.
  • Kindly contact our nearest branch for further details.